Iaconesi + Persico = Education and Communication Open Source

We meet Salvatore and Oriana. The art, the fraud. Dreaming tools, creating simulacra, becoming a platform, losing control. The care, the U-Topia.

We work on the relationship between objects and people in public spaces.

Nefula is a laboratory. It works on data over the public space. Eventually, all those things end up in one, into something new. We started the observation on futures with people. We are happy if we create interesting questions.

John Cage. He enters the room. He sits, opens the piano and for four minutes and a half does nothing. It is a great transformation. Radically transformed the nature of the artist. It is the whole planet that creates the concert. All the planet sounds make the concert. At the end, the performance becomes a platform, allowing everybody to express themselves. That's what we try to do. In many ways, we are transforming ourselves into a methodological platform, undisciplined and out of control, to make sure that people express themselves, as well as wish.

The project U-Topia starts from here. We have become a platform. We do this in two ways.

First, through discipline. Then we do an art thing. Mac Luhan said that art is a bridge between cultures and technologies.

The art is a beautiful fraud. Fraud is a designed performative action and is a designed object. It creates a false reality. The reality is a fraud. This is about the role of art. The artists defraud. Creating a simulacrum of a different reality. Suspend the shared reality and say that there exists another impossible reality. Art can thus have access to emotions, fear. And take all the parts of the body.

We create an alternate reality in which there are impossibilities.

When we do, we can not forget the platform. The alternate reality is created so that it is possible to design a system in which people can be there, starting to live in it, as happens in a city. They all work in the city. Kevin Lynch speaks of the city as a massive orchestra and a dissonant one. Conflict. Where people dream of tools. We believe. The only way to do this is to lose control. People can be dissonant. In Matera, we create a public secret: U-Topia.

Utopia. It is important in terms of trust. The city does not exist without trust. But in cities, there are conflicting souls. There are shadows and lights.

Utopia is a particular word. It is a U-place. It is a modern word, invented by Thomas Moore, it is the beginning of modernity.

It does not exist, but imagine that we try to make it exist, removing the U, creating worlds through words. In Matera we begin to invent the world with the words of Topia. In various ways: with the platform, going around the city, with video mapping, with the connections between things, between anything. And there are many critical issues to talk about. If we add words on the platform, the words come from the world, but they are not the only existing geography. There are geographies of mind, the sky, bureaucratic. Many geographies. The Geographies of each inhabitant of Matera is always different. If we want to reclaim the public space, the issue is important. In the definition of public and private spaces, the border is a key issue. Their shapes are varied and multiple. The definition of a polyphonic and real reality is the Topia. The multitude of people can participate in the definition of the words and their critics.

In this continuous process, it is crucial to the concept of disaster. The essence of the goal and stars. There is a crisis. We are drawn from the exploration of space, but we have no safe reference. It is interesting to work on the disaster, the night without stars. It is the way of acknowledging: I acknowledge you only through space. Caring goes together with conflict, to the limit of what you do.

We are in a super-level of care. The transgression creates a space, innovates. Elizabeth Grosz calls this process spatial access, a new dimension able to go beyond preconceptions, prejudices and utility concerns, "over the relevance for the present, looking to the future." The revelation and discovery of this access depend on the possibility of transgression. The excess is in the "problematic", full of potential. Her concept explores the relationship between transgression and innovation. Transgression is a way of finding new concepts.

The cure began with the trip to the hospital, transgressing, with a performance in which the medicine works in the middle of the city, where it affects all. At the center of the city, it can create separation. Cancer takes all parts of life: everything it is connected with. Everything in life becomes cancer. The classic part of the struggle takes place in the laboratory, in a separate space. The other part of the conflict occurs in the middle of the community.

Care and utopia are not separate. To create a common dictionary, we need a place where we can build unity. When cancer comes in this place, amazing things happen. People become researchers. It is a new inclusive laboratory, one you can touch. The vocabulary should be built. The process, the U location to be destroyed, is an opportunity to make words, music, to be part of the process of mapping and violent destruction.

The platform is a way of exploring. It is the first step in a new ritual: destroy and rebuild. The idea is to create a ritual that happens every year. A contemporary ritual.

The poet is a thief. The platform is the performance, not just online. Everything that happens is performance. But how do we document? You can not fully document it. There are many points of view. The best way is to do a tutorial and let it open because others interfere with the definition. We can generate many forms of tools, versions to merge. It does not teach anything except fraud. We teach how to create simulacra. This brings together many disciplines.

The power to define what is good is coded. The progress defines what is possible, in this way it becomes a series of interfaces. We draw within interfaces. But we have multiple identities.

The future is ubiquitous and it appears peculiar. In fact, the future is plural. It does not exist, it is a performance and that's what we do. The simulacra are useful for this.

The fake creates reality. When you create a simulacrum, that exists. These local expansions of worlds where we can work in gaps. Transgression is the ability to evolve. Transgression recognizes the borders and moves them. It promotes dissonance.

During the treatment, all the people interpreted what was happening in a specific way, to find the cure. But I never felt the need to choose. People begin to be autonomous: we are no longer at the center, and two things happen. What was not available, it becomes accessible and appears as public space, as accessible relational information. So to transform the standardized thing in a system, in a relational process. All information become common things. And the common things, are not just resources. Also qualitative relationships. High-quality relationships, which transform the art of choice in a network process, based on multiple contents.




From Siponto to the Open Design School


Projects logbook 02