Projects logbook 03

Week 04.

Our guest this Friday is Enzo Acito, Councillor of the City Strategic Plan of Matera, along with Paolo Verri, director general Matera Basilicata in 2019 and Paul Cascone scientific coordinator of the first Workshop Foundation Open Design School

Enzo Acito, Councillor for the Strategic Plan of the City of Matera

"We are working on the strategic plan of the city with 2 speeds: a short-term to give answers for 2019 and the other in the medium term, which involves the entire territory of the province.

All that is occurring here and in general the work of the Foundation becomes a very important piece of the strategic plan that we are drawing.

Understanding how to possibly use your professionalism in the construction of the strategic plan and what might be the follow-up activities.

With this in mind I have come here to learn about your work and to understand how the unique relationship Foundation-City of Matera can use your skills. Merger of assets, ideas and proposals as well as a fusion of people representing both institutions."

Paolo Verri, director of Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation

"This group of professionals that has been selected has become an active cell of Sasso Barisano, a real creative cluster. People are coming from all sides, calling the others, both physically and online, to exchange and create ideas for cities. This container becomes an element of the new exhibit for the city to show permanent and temporary citizens not only as they worked in the past in the rustic houses but also how it will work in the future, putting in those same spaces of the new people who develop new patterns of living, of making society and to create an economy.

Today we will see a path that starts from the basic module dimension applied to the school level and the already large scale of the Cava del Sole to make a project that has to be the priority project for 2019.

Emblematic and innovative because it holds together the past and the future: a new front door, a report with the Via Appia, and with everything that is being said at the national and international level, from MIBACT to Europe, to the great intellectuals such as Paul Rumiz to build a path that includes the South to relate to the Centre and the North with a new quality.

The Cava del Sole will be one in an innovative space designed to show the artists who will come here not with a common theater but with a unique place. This way everyone will be here to build a program with us, in the second half of 2018, and we will do so in an original way.

The work will be presented to the city on October 21 but in the meantime we must set up a dialogue between us,  the city and the participants to understand those who want to stay and what conditions to make sure you do not miss out on this excellent start-ups. If what you see will convince and what you see may be a priority for the city we can theorize about how to continue."

Enzo Acito, Councillor for the Strategic Plan of the City of Matera

"For me, this team working on two projects in unconventional and innovative way is the real company's creative cultural prototype.

The goal that we have as a city is to become the place of creative cultural enterprises to attract funding that the region is preparing for this kind of activity. So if you manage to turn this group of volunteers in a structured company this could become the model for this type of innovative and transverse company that the region wants to finance but perhaps no one yet knows what it is.

We build this path together. Perhaps we might be able to build a result that no one expects, and that might be exciting for the city. "

Paolo Cascone, scientific coordinator of the first Open Design School Workshop

"The challenge of this workshop is to develop a" Design to make" process that is working on a prototyping approach where a series of logic that concern the relationship between design and implementation are overturned.

The school project itself is very innovative because the school is self-designing and self-constructing their own space, their own devices and their own tools.

On one side is a challenge, the other is a process that must be built step by step. We are doing a lot in two modes: by relating the local technological culture, traditional knowledge and advanced technology and using prototyping as an instrument of knowledge and evolution of a series of solutions.

Yesterday we had a round table with several local companies, FabLab and makers, local and national CNA, Conservatory, Art School and University of Basilicata and the response was very positive and urgent.

We make theory through practice so from now on each prototype will be developed by some of the participants in cooperation with local enterprises, and involving students in the schools mentioned above.

We set every Friday, the Open Studio, days when the school is open to all and show the progress of the work to the city to listen to the opinions and advice of those who are interested to come and see what we are doing. In this way we are able to listen to unexpected considerations. This process is the basis of the Open Design School. "

Enzo Acito

"I'm glad to see the interest you have encountered by businesses in your experience. You have to figure out how to build your start-up so as to also work with individuals to find your own economic sustainability."

Paolo Verri

"The model that we would like to have is that of @22 Barcelona. A creative district that creates things for the city of Barcelona and in this way attracts the interest of the whole world. We must first of all develop projects for Matera and its territory by working on some issues which we have already started talking and that are also present in the application. from these projects then the demands of working with us also come from other parts of Italy and the world. In fact they are already coming from some Italian and European cities, so if continuing to experiment in this way we will attract other projects and other investors. "



"I'm working on a possible configuration of the hollow space by assigning different functions to different areas of the quarry itself, trying to propose different scenarios; also I'm helping Mariella in 3d design of a piece to be printed in 3d for its latest prototype lamp."

Rosa & Alex

"Creating Connections and Paths for Active Sharing "

Step 1.
Drawing of an urban map with identification of special interest along the way towards the Cava del Sole. To move closer to the quarry walking along a path marked by the "new milestones of contemporaneity"

Step 2.
Definition of an abacus of possible places and possible actions that accelerate the long-term strategic change, being generated from the same place and by the community. "

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Development of the design of the facilities for public functions and activities, including urban agriculture. The aim is to use local materials, such as ceramics, to create modular and flexible structures, which can be easily mounted and dismounted from the local community members. The modules can be connected in various ways, by defining the public space and the connection between Cava del Sole and cities. The sense is to provide a tool for developing productive paths.



"ODS! The city-school resonance

I'm developing a community game for the identity of the school, starting from the voices from the Open Talks. From 4 stable clusters, valid for all those who bring themselves into the school (identity, actions, cultural worlds and visions), 4-color codes, it builds a constructive heritage of bricks.

Each character is recognizable, each brick has an internal cohesion and external indeterminate relations. It is a kind of a 4 rotations domino, with changeable moods, for resonance, for the crossed destinies between the speeches. Currently there are 5 items of 30 bricks: Tresoldi, Bubbico, the School Open Source, Iaconesi + Persian, Limosani. You can grow in height. The game is building a city by the crossed destinies. It is a relational district. If one starts to play, it should motivate anchors, reading the sequence of several roads. It may be a political dialogue generative tool, which calls you with an interference system between different identities, actions, cultural worlds and visions."

Le faccePirateriaVolo sugli innestiLa costruzione della risonanza

Luca & Costantino

"Last week I mentioned the idea of using a tufo wall like a midi/controller pad. Monday morning Constantino, our poet/engineer/musician introduced himself with" I have a 'idea!. "We worked on tufos, sawing them to develop and test their intuition. The first little experiment went well, the second was a failure. But we found that we could use the tufo humidity value to control our interactive system. By following this path we prototyped and we interfaced with MIDI protocol to control lighting/video/etc."


Marilena & Camilla

"The study of space for the future palce of the ODS allowed us to reflect on the necessity of this furniture. Starting from the experience of colonization of the current beta workshop space, we realized that the first needs have been recovered from work tables. During the various moments of the day, we also tested the need to use the furniture flexibly: the table needs to be the a work table, exhibition, etc.

The idea of the project is to create a box that contains the elements of décor, a useful kit for future workshops or for the same place of the ODS. This box must contain all the parts, at the time when they are not used, these are accumulated and stored in a box, which can be easily transportable.

The idea of this box of items of furniture, is based on a concept of modularity. The basic module used is the block of tufo with 25x50x15 cm size.

The furnishings to design, are the fundamental ones: chairs, tables, bookcases, storage units, etc.. The important concept is that the vessels are open and can be easily altered or improved by those who will use them in the future.

We are working on the size of the box that will hold all, this may change according to project needs.

In addition there is the intention of characterizing the entire project with local characteristics, from the materials, from graphics, craftsmanship, etc.

For prototyping the project we want to work with local companies, by establishing collaborative partnerships and mentoring for the realization of the same. "


Tonio Acito, local consultant architect

"Matera, thanks to the title of European Capital of Culture is experiencing something exceptional, that is, start talking about projects starting from the interview of the citizens, the tufo that sounds ... that is with new multidisciplinary and European approach.

We're trying to build something that goes far beyond the specific issues.

With this work the quarry park is back in being the matrix of the future of the city, the great challenge is to support this working group to design what happens the day after the conclusion of the workshop.

I was expecting something new and I found a lot more than my expectations. I agree that this experience must be built in continuity.

Today I received three macro sectors: pure research, experimental research that has already some applicability, the guidelines that provide the address for the two themes of the project."


Projects logbook 02


Open Design School: Attraverso la Cittá (Throgh the City) - La Via del Sole