So Far So Close. Practices of infra-pandemic closeness

The manual “So far, so close. Practices of infra-pandemic closeness” is an operational tool of the performing arts festival “So far, so close. Exercises in closeness”, a collection of strategies and experiences gained within the Festival and in other national and international events during the infra-pandemic period. Developed in parallel with the events of the Festival that were held in Basilicata from 12th September to 24th October 2020, the manual analysed the various regulatory updates of the DPCM [Prime Ministerial Decree], dealing with the progressive changes regarding the regulations and guidelines for live entertainment, ending precisely in conjunction with the general suspension of public and private events sanctioned in the decree of 26th October 2020.

The manual is not configured as a definitive guide, it is rather the beginning of research made up of various contributions, experiences in the field and design solutions that can be expanded in order to rethink the paradigms of the live entertainment sector.

With the preface by the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Dario Franceschini, the Manual is organized into three sections:

his ever-changing collection is distributed under the Creative Commons licence, CC BY-SA-NC, in digital and freely printable form. Its main objective is to contribute to the discussion on culture as a response to the crisis, seeking solutions, sharing results, reflections and good practices.

Read and download the manual here: So Far So Close. Practices of infra-pandemic closeness














Esercizi di ipercittadinanza

Esercizi di ipercittadinanza