Open Design School model of the DeuS project
Open Design School has been chosen as a model for the development of a new methodology within the DeuS project, funded by the European Erasmus + programme, coordinated by Materahub, and led by the Matera Basilicata 2019 Foundation.
DeuS involves 9 countries and 4 European Capitals of Culture past, present and future.
Funded by the ERASMUS+ programme - Sector Skills Alliances for the development of sectoral approaches through "Platforms of vocational excellence", DeuS will build an articulated network of partners: Fondazione Matera Basilicata 2019 (IT), Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative (IT), Vytautas Magnus University – VMU (LT), XAMK – South Eastern University of Applied Sciences (FI), ECBN – European Creative Business Network (NL), University of Wales Trinity Saint David Royal Charter – UWTSD – Creative Industries Research and Innovation Centre – CIRIC (UK), Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria GmbH (AT), Creative Business Cup Foundation (DK), Valletta 2018 Foundation (MT), Creative Industry Košice – CIKE (SK).
The Open Design school methodology will be used to guide European public decision-makers in the development of new policies to support cultural and creative industries in the target territories.
The project will:
- Identity and develop a learning and training approach (in accordance with ECVET and inspired by the EntreComp Framework) that is employability-driven and builds on pedagogies that draw on a work-based approach, along with a training and learning scheme that is expected to be open, inclusive and non-hierarchical;
- Develop a co-creation process involving local/regional CCI communities, policy makers and citizens in order to identify local challenges and generate solutions adoptable at EU level;
- Establish innovation hubs (Living Labs) that support SMEs, professionals and VET learners to conduct research and develop innovative products and services;
- Design a Knowledge Creative Platform specific to the CCI sector that becomes a point of reference for VET learners and trainers and all sectoral professionals;
- Develop a financial model to promote sustainability that combines public and private funding and income-generating activities.