The Covid-19 Emergency Design
The Matera 2019 Foundation and Open Design School, through its tools and professionals, are putting in place a series of activities in support of health care personnel who are at the forefront of the current Coronavirus emergency.
As part of the widespread digital fab project developed by Officine Mediterranee, a network of fab labs coordinated by Syskrack Giuseppe Porsia, 500 facial shields are being produced for operators working in health facilities in Basilicata (here you can contribute by donating funds for the purchase of materials needed to produce another 500 facial shields:
For the intensive care unit of the "Madonna delle Grazie Hospital in Matera", again in collaboration with local makers, recovering material used for exhibitions during 2019, Plexiglas cases have been produced to reduce the risk of contamination of healthcare personnel during the manoeuvres to which the Covid-19 patient is subjected, starting with intubation, providing an additional protection system. An Open Source project conceived by a doctor in Taiwan and validated in an article in "The New England Journal of Medicine" by a team of doctors in Boston, with an idea born from a solicitation to the ODS team of Francesco Zuccaro, a doctor at our hospital in Matera.
ODS also supports the production of masks made with African fabrics in the tailoring laboratory of the Silent Academy of the Cooperative Il Sicomoro, by the young people of the SPRAR project and the operators of the cooperative.
The services of TG3 Basilicata and TRM that tell the project: